
The adequacy of university studies to European Higher Education Area (EHEA) it requires coherence and quality of the teaching activity, so as to guarantee, not only the learning outcomes, but also the acquisition of the competences that ensure the adequate training of the graduates.

In this context, and taking into account the impact of the title evaluation processes carried out by the National Agency of Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) , the UPCT has a Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) , which describes the structure and procedures necessary to control, review and improve the official degree and master's degrees of the centers of the UPCT.

For its part, to guarantee the quality of the official titles of its competence, ensure the best training of the professionals that society demands and provide the graduates with the necessary skills for the responsible development of their career, the activity of ETSIA is supports the principles, organizational structure and specific procedures contained in the Quality Policy and Code of Good Practice of ETSIA .

External Quality Assurance

All official university degrees are mandatorily evaluated by bodies outside the university at different times in their life cycle.

In the case of universities in the Region of Murcia, the external body responsible for these evaluations is the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).

This global evaluation process has three phases:

  • Ex ante evaluation or verification, ANECA VERIFICA program, evaluates the design and subsequent modifications of the title. To know the results of this evaluation process in the different official degree and master degrees of the UPCT you can consult the web pages of each one of them.

  • Follow-up, ANECA MONITOR program, evaluates its development or implementation and the review of its results, with the objective of providing an external point of view that favors the continuous improvement of the degree. To know the results of this evaluation process in the different official bachelor's and master's degrees of the UPCT you can consult the web pages of each one of them., ANECA MONITOR program, evaluates its development or implementation and the review of its results, with the objective of contributing an external point of view that favors the continuous improvement of the title. To know the results of this evaluation process in the different official degree and master degrees of the UPCT you can consult the web pages of each one of them.

  • The ex-post evaluation or renewal of accreditation, (ANECA ACCREDITED program), in which its development or implementation and the review of its results are evaluated, in order to check if the title is being offered according to the objectives raised in the verified report and also, if the results obtained and their evolution justify the renewal of the accreditation.

To know the results of this evaluation process in the different official degrees and master's degrees of the ETSIA you can consult the following links:

Internal Quality Assurance System

To ensure the quality of the degree, the Centers of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena have provided themselves with an internal quality assurance system (SGIC).

The SGIC is the Center's tool to manage the quality of official degree and master's degrees, in order to train the professionals that society demands, with the necessary skills for the responsible development of their career, through the efficient use of the resources that society puts at your disposal.

The Center's SGIC describes the structure and procedures necessary to control, review and improve the degree.

  • Measure: Some of these procedures aim to measure results such as the employability of graduates, the academic performance of students or the satisfaction of different groups (students, graduates, teachers, etc.) who are in contact with the degree.

  • Analyze and improve: Other procedures are aimed at guiding reflection on the operation of the degree and planning and following the different improvement initiatives.

  • Inform: While in another group we could include those that manage the communication between the Center and its stakeholders, making relevant information public about the title or providing channels to receive it, for example, through the processing of complaints and suggestions.

Information is collected throughout the course, through surveys or through the exploitation of databases with academic performance information, for example.

The analysis of the information and the definition of improvement actions are mainly concentrated between the months of September and December of each academic year.

The planning of improvement actions and their execution are usually concentrated between the months of January and July.

For more details on how the UPIC SGIC is implemented in the ETSIA you can consult the ETSIA Quality Policy and Code of Good Practice , a document that also defines the procedure related to the COMPLAINTS AND SUGGESTIONS.
