Code: 229202016
Type: Elective
Length of subject: Per term
Semester and course: 2nd Year - First term
Language: English
Mode of study: On-site class
Knowledge area: Edafología y Química Agrícola
Department: Ingeniería Agronómica
Telephone: 968325411
Office hours and location:
lunes - 09:00 / 11:00
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 1, Despacho 1.31
Concertar cita previamente por e-mail
miércoles - 09:00 / 11:00
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 1, Despacho 1.31
Concertar cita previamente por e-mail
Master in Advanced Techniques in Agricultural and Food Research and Development from Technical University of Cartagena (SPAIN) - 2012
PhD in Advanced Techniques in Agricultural and Food Research and Development from Technical University of Cartagena (SPAIN) - 2012
Graduate in Biology from University of Murcia (SPAIN) - 2006
Academic rank in UPCT: Programa Ramón y Cajal
Number of five-year periods: Not applicable due to the type of teaching figure
Number of six-year periods: No procede por el tipo de figura docente
Curriculum Vitae: Full Profile
Responsible for the groups: G1, G2
Knowledge area: Edafología y Química Agrícola
Department: Ingeniería Agronómica
Telephone: 968327034
Office hours and location:
martes - 09:00 / 11:00
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 1, Despacho 1.30
Concertar la cita previamente por e-mail
jueves - 09:00 / 11:00
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 1, Despacho 1.30
Concertar la cita previamente por e-mail
Tutorials will by carried out by request of the student sending a mail to
PhD in PhD from Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (SPAIN) - 2005
Master in Master in Management of Soil Quality and Management from Instituto AMYCA de formación (SPAIN) - 2003
Engineer in Agricultural Engineer from Technical University of Cartagena (SPAIN) - 2001
Academic rank in UPCT: Catedrático de Universidad
Number of five-year periods: 2
Number of six-year periods: 3 de investigación
Curriculum Vitae: Full Profile
1. Planificar y elaborar estudios y proyectos científico-técnicos relacionados con la degradación y regeneración del sistema suelo-agua-planta en agroecosistemas y su entorno, interpretando datos y proponiendo soluciones.
1. To understand the concept of agroecosystems and what ecosystem services they provide, particularly those related to the soil-water-plant system.
2. To evaluate how the ecosystem services associated with the soil-water-plant system can be impaired.
3. To understand the relationship of the soil-water-plant system of agroecosystems with their surrounding areas and to identify the critical aspects that determine the balance between them.
4. To identify key indicators to evaluate the degradation of agroecosystems and their surrounding areas.
5. To critically analyse the relationships between the status of agroecosystems and their surrounding areas.
6. To understand the application of appropriate regeneration measures to different cases of degradation and different types of agroecosystems and their surrounding areas.
1. Concept, typology and importance of ecosystem services in agroecosystems. Response to degradation: stability, resistance, sensitivity and resilience. 2. Biodiversity, functionality and trophic networks. Biogeochemical cycles in the soil-water-plant system. 3. Causes, forms and consequences of the degradation of ecosystem services associated with the soil-water-plant system in agroecosystems and their surrounding areas. 4. Degradation of the soil-water-plant system in agroecosystems and their surrounding areas: physical degradation, eutrophication, pollution and ecotoxicology. 5. Preventive/corrective methods and techniques of the degradation of the soil-waterplant system in agroecosystems and their surrounding areas.
Unit 1: Ecosystem and agroecosystems services (Lesson 1)
Lesson 1. Concepts of ecosystems and agroecosystems. Biodiversity and ecosystem services. Ecosystem services of the soil-vegetation binomial. Soil quality indicators. Resistance and resilence.
Unit 2. Impacts of anthropic activities on the soil-water-plant system of agroecosystems and surrounding areas. Diagnosis and restoration alternatives. Case studies (Lessons 2-6).
Lesson 2. Deforestation. Biological and physical soil degradation. Soil erosion and methods for its prevention/control/restoration.
Lesson 3. Salinization of soils and water: diagnosis and corrective measures.
Lesson 4. Eutrophication. Causes, diagnosis and study methods. Consequences and corrective measures. Role of wetlands to combat eutrophication.
Lesson 5. Contamination. Diagnosis and biogeochemical background. Study methods and prevention and corrective measures.
Lesson 6 Ecotoxicology. General and applied aspects of the employment of ecotoxicological tools in studies of ecosystems degradation.
Practical program of the subject
1. Technical visit (field trip). 2. Practical exercises of soil ecotoxicology (computer practices).
Promoting the continuous improvement of working and study conditions of the entire university community is one the basic principles and goals of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Such commitment to prevention and the responsibilities arising from it concern all realms of the university: governing bodies, management team, teaching and research staff, administrative and service staff and students. The UPCT Service of Occupational Hazards (Servicio de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales de la UPCT) has published a "Risk Prevention Manual for new students" (Manual de acogida al estudiante en materia de prevención de riesgos), which may be downloaded from the e-learning platform ("Aula Virtual"), with instructions and recommendations on how to act properly, from the point of view of prevention (safety, ergonomics, etc.), when developing any type of activity at the University. You will also find recommendations on how to proceed in an emergency or if an incident occurs. Particularly when carrying out training practices in laboratories, workshops or field work, you must follow all your teacher's instructions, because he/she is the person responsible for your safety and health during practice performance. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and do not put your safety or that of your classmates at risk.
Detailed description of learning goals for every teaching unit:
Unit 1: Ecosystem services and agroecosystems. To identify general concepts related to the degradation of agroecosystems and ecosystem services and their relationship with biodiversity. To understand the concept of soil quality indicators, how to select the most suitable indicators and to describe the most widely employed soil quality indicators and the criteria for their application in agroecosystem soils in Mediterranean areas. To indentify and evaluate the factors which determine the degradation of soils in agroecosystems.
Unit 2: Impacts of anthropic activities on the soil-water-plant system of agroecosystems and surrounding areas. Diagnosis and restoration alternatives. Case studies. The overall objective of this part of the subject is that students understand that agroecosystems are not isolated compartments of their environment, but rather have a close relationship with it. Thus, the management of agroecosystems must be harmonized not only to generate benefits within them but also to help preserve the environment, since in this way the environment will have a positive impact on the agroecosystems themselves. When these balances are broken, serious degradation problems are generated that may harm all sectors of society.
Class in conventional classroom: theory, problems, case studies, seminars, etc
Exposure of theory lessons with ICT support in class and resolution of doubts raised by the students.
Class in the field or open classroom (technical visits, lectures, etc.).
Field visit to degraded areas and experimental facilities. Various locations affected by anthropic activities will be visited to observe
and discuss in situ the environmental impacts caused and the restoration actions carried out. Students will complete the preparation of a report at home which will be graded.
Class in a computer classroom: practical classes / internships
Practical exercises of soil ecotoxicology with computer. Students will work with real ecotoxicology data from contaminated soils. Students will deliver the practical excercises solved that will be graded.
Assessment activities (continuous assessment system)
- Realization of one partial written exam.
- Oral presentation of works related to the subject topics. Tutorials will be used to review and correct the presentation drafts. Lecturers will give instructions sufficiently in advance for the preparation, exhibition and delivery of the works. The oral presentations will be graded.
Assessment activities (final assessment system)
Realization of final wirtten exam.
Presential: Raising doubts in tutorials/class. Discussion of work topics.
Non-presential: Raising doubts by email/Virtual Classroom (Aula Virtual). Submission of work drafts for discussion.
Student work: study or individual or group work
Study of the theoretical contents of the subject by students, completion of practical work and preparation of works for oral presentations.
Individual test (oral or written)
There will be a single partial exam. Students who do not obtain a 4 or more must take the final exam of the subject.
40 %
Evaluation of practical sessions, visits and seminars based on reports and corresponding documents
It includes two activities:
1) Evaluation of the field visit report (10%). For those students who do not attend the visit, or have not submitted the report, a substitute question will be given in the final exam so that they have the option of obtaining the corresponding 10% of the subject grade.
2) Evaluation of practical soil ecotoxicology exercises (10%). For those students who do not attend the soil ecotoxicology practices, or have not submitted the solved exercises, a substitute question will be given in the final exam so that they have the option of obtaining the corresponding 10% of the subject grade.
20 %
Presentation and defence of individual or group assignments
Evaluation of the oral works presented by students. The evaluation will be carried out using a rubric. For students who do not present the oral works, a substitute question will be given in the final exam so that they have the option of obtaining the corresponding 40% of the subject grade.
40 %
Individual test (oral or written)
Realization of the final written exam. Students who do not obtain a 4 or more will fail the subject, regardless of the grades obtained in the rest of the subject's activities.
40 %
Evaluation of practical sessions, visits and seminars based on reports and corresponding documents
It includes two activities:
1) For those students who do not attend the field visit, or have not submitted the report, a substitute question will be given in the final exam so that they have the option of obtaining the corresponding 10% of the subject grade.
2) For those students who do not attend the soil ecotoxicology practices, or have not submitted the solved exercises, a substitute question will be given in the final exam so that they have the option of obtaining the corresponding 10% of the subject grade.
20 %
Presentation and defence of individual or group assignments
For students who do not present the oral works, a substitute question will be given in the final exam so that they have the option of obtaining the corresponding 40% of the subject grade.
40 %
Author: Tan, Kim Hua
Title: Principles of soil chemistry /
Editorial: CRC Press,
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 9781439813928
Author: Pizarro Cabello, Fernando
Title: Drenaje agrícola y recuperación de suelos salinos
Editorial: Agrícola Española
Publication Date: 1985
ISBN: 8485441001
Author: Newman, Michael C.
Title: Fundamentals of ecotoxicology : the science of pollution /
Editorial: CRC Press : , Taylor & Francis Group,
Publication Date: 2015
ISBN: 9781466582293
Author: Alloway, B.J.
Title: Heavy metals in soils /
Editorial: Blackie Academic & Professional,
Publication Date: 1995
ISBN: 0751401986
Title: Guía para la evaluación de la calidad y salud del suelo
Editorial: Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica (USDA),
Publication Date: 1999
Author: Porta Casanellas, Jaume.
Title: Edafología para la agricultura y el medio ambiente
Editorial: Mundi-Prensa,
Publication Date: 2003
ISBN: 9788484761488
Author: Perk, Marcel van der
Title: Soil and water contamination /
Editorial: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis,
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN: 9780415893435/&
Author: Yong, Raymond N.
Title: Environmental soil properties and behaviour
Editorial: CRC Press,
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN: 9781439845295
Author: Coleman, David C.
Title: Fundamentals of soil ecology /
Publication Date:
ISBN: 0128052511
Author: Diana H. Wall, Richard D. Bardgett, Valerie Behan-Pelletier, Jeffrey E. Herrick, T. Hefin Jones, Karl Ritz, Johan Six, Donald R. Strong, and Wim H. van der Putten
Title: Soil Ecology and Ecosystem Services
Editorial: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN: 9780199575923
Author: Osman, K.T.
Title: Soil degradation, conservation and remediation
Editorial: Springer
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN: 978-94-007-7589-3
Author: Osman, K.T.
Title: Management of Soil Problems
Editorial: Springer
Publication Date: 2018
ISBN: 78-3-319-75525-0
Unit 1: Ecosystem and agro-ecosystems services
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 2015. Status of the World's Soil Resources. ISBN: 978-92-5-109004-6,
- Yong, R.N., Nakano, M., Pusch, R. 2012. Environmental Soil Properties and Behaviour. ISBN 9781439845295, CRC Press.
Unit 2. Impacts of anthropic activities on the soil-water-vegetation system of agro-ecosystems and surrounding areas. Diagnosis and restoration alternatives. Case studies.
- Álvarez-Rogel, J., González-Alcaraz, M.N., Conesa Alcaraz, H.M., Tercero, M.C., Párraga-Aguado, I., María Cervantes, A., Jiménez Cárceles, F.J. 2016. Eutrofización y contaminación por residuos mineros en humedales del Mar Menor: comprendiendo los procesos biogeoquímicos para plantear actuaciones de manejo. En: Mar Menor: una laguna singular y sensible. Evaluación científica de su estado. León V.M. y Bellido, J.M. Editores. Instituto Español de Oceanografía. Temas de Oceanografía 9. pp. 251-270.
- Álvarez-Rogel, J., Jiménez-Cárceles, F.J., Egea-Nicolás, C. 2006. Phosphorus and nitrogen content in the water of a coastal wetland in the Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain): relationships with effluents from urban and agricultural areas. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 173: 21-38.
- Conesa, H.M., Jiménez, F.J. 2007. The Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain): a singular natural ecosystem threatened by human activities. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 54: 839-879t 2.
- Conesa, H.M., Schulin, R. 2010. The Cartagena-La Unión mining district (SE Spain): a review of environmental problems and emerging phytoremediation solutions after fifteen years research. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 12: 1225-1233.
- Conesa, H.M., Schulin, R., Nowack, B. 2008. Mining landscape: a cultural tourist opportunity or an environmental problem? The case of the Cartagena-La Unión Mining District (SE Spain). Ecological Economics. 64 :690-700.
- González Alcaraz, M.N.; Francisco J. Jiménez Cárceles; Consuelo Egea Nicolás; Antonio María Cervantes; Isabel Párraga Aguado; José Álvarez-Rogel; Héctor M. Conesa Alcaraz. 2011. Papel de los humedales costeros del mar menor en la depuración de aguas eutrofizadas: el caso de la Marina del Carmolí. En: El Mar Menor. Estado actual del conocimiento científico. Instituto Euromediterráneo del agua. Murcia, España. pp. 73-104.
- Kabata-Pendias, A., Szteke, B. 2015. Trace Elements in Abiotic and Biotic Environments. ISBN: 978-1-4822-1279-2, CRC Press.
- Morgado, R.G., Loureiro, S., González-Alcaraz, M.N. 2018. Changes in Soil Ecosystem Structure and Functions Due to Soil Contamination. In: Soil Pollution. From Monitoring to Remediation, Armando C. Duarte, Anabela Cachada, Teresa Rocha-Santos (Eds). Academic Press. Elsevier.
- Robinson, B.H., Bañuelos, G., Conesa, H.M., Evangelou, M.W.H., Schulin, R. 2009. The Phytomanagement of Trace Elements in Soil. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 28: 240-266.
- Tripathi, N., Singh, R.S., Hills, C.D. 2016. Reclamation of mine-impacted land for ecosystem recovery. ISBN: 9781119057901, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Van der Perk, M. 2014. Soil and Water Contamination. Second Edition. ISBN: 978-0-415-89343-5, CRC Press.
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