Code: 518103017
Type: Elective
ECTS: 4.5
Length of subject: Per term
Semester and course: 4th Year - First term
Speciality: Mención en Hortofruticultura y Jardinería Mención en Industrias Agroalimentarias
Language: English
Mode of study: On-site class
Knowledge area: Tecnología de Alimentos
Department: Ingeniería Agronómica
Telephone: 968325762
Office hours and location:
lunes - 10:00 / 10:00
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 2, Despacho 2.25
Para cualquier tutoría, contactar previamente por correo electrónico
PhD in Veterinary from University of Zaragoza (SPAIN) - 1995
Academic rank in UPCT: Catedrático de Universidad
Number of five-year periods: 5
Number of six-year periods: 5 de investigación y 1 de transferencia
Curriculum Vitae: Full Profile
Responsible for the groups: G2
[CB3 ]. Students are required to have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature.
[TG11 ]. Ability to develop their activities, making a social, ethical and environmental commitment in tune with the reality of the human and natural environment.
[TG2 ]. Adequate knowledge about physical problems, technologies, machinery and systems for water and energy supply, about the limits imposed by budgetary factors and constructive regulations, and the relationships between facilities or buildings and agricultural holdings, agri-food industries and spaces related to gardening and landscaping with their social and environmental situation, as well as the need to relate those and such environment with human needs and the preservation of the environment.
[RA10 ]. Ability to learn about, understand and use the principles of technology transfer, and to understand, interpret, communicate and adopt advances in the field of agriculture.
[RA9 ]. Ability to learn about, understand and use the principles of decision making by using the resources available for work in multidisciplinary groups.
Se trata de una asignatura optativa de la titulación pero que tiene carácter obligatorio para la obtención de la Mención en Industrias Agroalimentarias. Las competencias del Módulo de Tecnología Específica de Industrias Agrarias y Alimentarias (ver Orden CIN/323/2009 de 9 de febrero) a adquirir son:
IAA1. Capacidad para conocer, comprender y utilizar los principios de: Ingeniería y tecnología de los alimentos.
En relación con la lengua en que se imparte la asignatura:
La asignatura se imparte siempre en castellano, que es la lengua vehicular del título
Adicionalmente, podrá ofertarse un grupo para ser impartida también en inglés
La oferta final del grupo en inglés estará condicionada al número mínimo que en cada momento pueda fijar la UPCT
La participación en el grupo con docencia en inglés es voluntaria y elegida por el alumno antes del inicio del curso
Cada curso, con antelación suficiente al período de matrícula se informará sobre las lenguas en que se imparte, sobre el nivel de idioma que se emplea en la asignatura y de los requisitos que, en su caso, hayan de cumplirse para poder cursarla en el grupo de idioma inglés
[T6 ]. Ethics and sustainability
El estudiante deberá ser capaz de identificar los riesgos potenciales de tipo social y ambiental de una actuación profesional concreta.
El estudiante debe conocer las tecnologías de análisis y control microbiológico en las industrias alimentarias y su relación con las necesidades humanas y ambientales. Más específicamente, deberá:
Analizar los fundamentos de la microbiología.
Analizar las principales técnicas de análisis microbiológico.
Valorar la importancia de los microorganismos como agentes de alteración de alimentos y su implicación en la transmisión de enfermedades de origen alimentario.
Valorar los principales métodos de control microbiano.
Analizar los principales aspectos microbiológicos de los distintos grupos de alimentos.
Fundamentos de microbiología. Técnicas de análisis microbiológico. Ecología microbiana de los alimentos. Control de microorganismos por agentes físicos y químicos. Microbiología de los diferentes productos alimenticios. Principales microorganismos responsables de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos.
Teaching Unit 1. Fundamentals of Microbiology
1.1 Introduction
1.2. General characteristics of microorganisms.
1.3. Nutrition and growth of microorganisms.
1.4. Techniques of microbiological analysis.
Teaching Unit 2. Food Microbiology.
2.1. Food microbial ecology.
2.2. Control of microorganisms by physical and chemical agents.
2.3. Foodborne microbial pathogens.
2.4. Microbiology of different food products.
Lab practice 1.
Preparation of material for microbiological analysis
Lab practice 2.
Research and count of viable microorganisms in foods.
Lab practice 3.
Observation of microorganisms through the microscope.
Lab práctice 4.
Building a growth curve
Promoting the continuous improvement of working and study conditions of the entire university community is one the basic principles and goals of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Such commitment to prevention and the responsibilities arising from it concern all realms of the university: governing bodies, management team, teaching and research staff, administrative and service staff and students. The UPCT Service of Occupational Hazards (Servicio de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales de la UPCT) has published a "Risk Prevention Manual for new students" (Manual de acogida al estudiante en materia de prevención de riesgos), which may be downloaded from the e-learning platform ("Aula Virtual"), with instructions and recommendations on how to act properly, from the point of view of prevention (safety, ergonomics, etc.), when developing any type of activity at the University. You will also find recommendations on how to proceed in an emergency or if an incident occurs. Particularly when carrying out training practices in laboratories, workshops or field work, you must follow all your teacher's instructions, because he/she is the person responsible for your safety and health during practice performance. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and do not put your safety or that of your classmates at risk.
Class in conventional classroom: theory, problems, case studies, seminars, etc
Class in conventional classroom: theory, problems, case study, seminars, etc.
Class in laboratory: practical classes / internships
Class in laboratory: practical classes / internships
Assessment activities (continuous assessment system)
Assessment activities (continuous assessment system)
Assessment activities (final assessment system)
Assessment activities (final assessment system)
Tutorials to ask questions by the student.
Student work: study or individual or group work
Student work: study or individual or group work
Individual official test
This individual test will be passed in part exams (teaching uniy I: 40% and teaching unit II 40%); final exam only for those parts not passed in continuous evaluation
Esta prueba individual podrá superarse en los exámenes parciales (Unidad didáctica I: 40% y Unidad didáctica II: 40%); sólo habrá que realizar examen final oficial de aquellas partes que no se hayan superado durante la evaluación continua.
80 %
Evaluation of practical sessions, visits and seminars based on reports and corresponding documents
Participation in the practices and the report will be evaluated
15 %
Presentation and defence of individual or group assignments
Presentation of individual and group reports
5 %
Individual official test
This individual test will be passed in part exams (teaching uniy I: 40% and teaching unit II 40%); final exam only for those parts not passed in continuous evaluation
Esta prueba individual podrá superarse en los exámenes parciales (Unidad didáctica I: 40% y Unidad didáctica II: 40%); sólo habrá que realizar examen final oficial de aquellas partes que no se hayan superado durante la evaluación continua.
80 %
Evaluation of practical sessions, visits and seminars based on reports and corresponding documents
Participation in the practices and the report will be evaluated
15 %
Presentation and defence of individual or group assignments
Presentation of individual and group reports
5 %
Author: Yousef, Ahmed E.
Title: Food microbiology a laboratory manual
Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
Publication Date: 2003
ISBN: 0471391050
Author: Montville, Thomas J.
Title: Food microbiology
Editorial: ASM Press,
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN: 9781555816360
Author: Tortora, Gerard J.
Title: Introducción a la microbiología
Editorial: Acribia
Publication Date: 1993
ISBN: 8420007358
Author: Prescott, Lansing M.
Title: Microbiología
Editorial: McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España,
Publication Date: 2004
ISBN: 9788448605254