Code: 518109002
Type: Elective
Length of subject: Per term
Semester and course: 4th Year - Second term
Speciality: Mención en Hortofruticultura y Jardinería
Language: English
Mode of study: On-site class
Knowledge area: Edafología y Química Agrícola
Department: Ingeniería Agronómica
Telephone: 968325411
Office hours and location:
lunes - 09:00 / 11:00
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 1, Despacho 1.31
Concertar cita previamente por e-mail
miércoles - 09:00 / 11:00
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 1, Despacho 1.31
Concertar cita previamente por e-mail
Master in Advanced Techniques in Agricultural and Food Research and Development from Technical University of Cartagena (SPAIN) - 2012
PhD in Advanced Techniques in Agricultural and Food Research and Development from Technical University of Cartagena (SPAIN) - 2012
Graduate in Biology from University of Murcia (SPAIN) - 2006
Academic rank in UPCT: Programa Ramón y Cajal
Number of five-year periods: Not applicable due to the type of teaching figure
Number of six-year periods: No procede por el tipo de figura docente
Curriculum Vitae: Full Profile
Responsible for the groups: G1, G2
Lecturer data: ÁLVAREZ ROGEL, JOSÉ
Knowledge area: Edafología y Química Agrícola
Department: Ingeniería Agronómica
Telephone: 968325543
Office hours and location:
lunes - 15:30 / 16:30
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 1, Despacho Despacho 1.25
Concertar la cita previamente por e-mail
martes - 11:00 / 13:00
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 1, Despacho Despacho 1.25
Concertar cita previamente por e-mail
miércoles - 11:00 / 13:00
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 1, Despacho Despacho 1.25
Concertar cita previamente por e-mail
PhD in Biology from University of Murcia (SPAIN) - 1997
Licensed in Biology from University of Murcia (SPAIN) - 1989
Academic rank in UPCT: Catedrático de Universidad
Number of five-year periods: 6
Number of six-year periods: 4 de investigación
Curriculum Vitae: Full Profile
[RA10 ]. Ability to learn about, understand and use the principles of technology transfer, and to understand, interpret, communicate and adopt advances in the field of agriculture.
[RA9 ]. Ability to learn about, understand and use the principles of decision making by using the resources available for work in multidisciplinary groups.
Se trata de una asignatura optativa que solo puede cursarse para obtener la Mención en Hortofruticultura y Jardinería. Las competencias del Módulo de Tecnología Específica de Hortofruticultura y Jardinería (Orden CIN/323/2009 de 9 de febrero) a adquirir son:
HJ1. Capacidad para conocer, comprender y utilizar los principios de: Tecnología de la Producción Hortofrutícola. Bases y tecnología de la propagación y producción hortícola, frutícola y ornamental. Control de calidad de productos hortofrutícolas. Comercialización. Genética y mejora vegetal.
Se recomienda haber cursado: Geología, Edafología y Climatología; Química; Fisiología Vegetal; Introducción a la Fitotecnia; Ciencia y Tecnología del Medio Ambiente; Diagnóstico y Química Agrícola.
En relación con la lengua en que se imparte la asignatura:
La asignatura se imparte siempre en castellano, que es la lengua vehicular del título
Adicionalmente, podrá ofertarse un grupo para ser impartida también en inglés
La oferta final del grupo en inglés estará condicionada al número mínimo que en cada momento pueda fijar la UPCT
La participación en el grupo con docencia en inglés es voluntaria y elegida por el alumno antes del inicio del curso
Cada curso, con antelación suficiente al período de matrícula se informará sobre las lenguas en que se imparte, sobre el nivel de idioma que se emplea en la asignatura y de los requisitos que, en su caso, hayan de cumplirse para poder cursarla en el grupo de idioma inglés
1. Describir la importancia socioeconómica del sector de agroquímicos a nivel nacional e internacional.
2. Clasificar y describir en profundidad los diversos tipos de agroquímicos empleados en agricultura.
3. Explicar la dinámica, incluyendo procesos y transformaciones biogeoquímicas, que sufren los agroquímicos una vez son empleados en el agrosistema.
4. Analizar y valorar críticamente casos reales sobre los impactos que causan los agroquímicos en los agroecosistemas y su entorno, incluyendo la biota, y las posibles medidas correctoras.
5. Establecer las pautas a seguir en el manejo y control de los productos agroquímicos dentro de un manejo sostenible de los agrosistemas.
Los contenidos de la asignatura incluyen la descripción del concepto y tipos de agroquímicos y su importancia socioeconómica, la profundización en los procesos biogeoquímicos que gobiernan la dinámica de los agroquímicos en los agrosistemas y la descripción de casos reales sobre los impactos asociados a su empleo. Pautas en el uso de agroquímicos compatibles con un manejo sostenible de los agrosistemas. Medidas correctoras a aplicar en entornos degradados por agroquímicos.
Unidad Didáctica 1. Introducción a los agroquímicos (Tema 1)
Tema 1. Aspectos generales e importancia de los agroquímicos en la agricultura.
Unidad Didáctica 2. Clasificación y dinámica de los agroquímicos (Temas 2-3)
Tema 2. Clasificación y dinámica de los fertilizantes en los agroecosistemas.
Tema 3. Clasificación y dinámica de los plaguicidas en los agroecosistemas.
Unidad Didáctica 3. Impactos ambientales por el uso de agroquímicos y medidas correctoras (Temas 4-6)
Tema 4. Impactos ambientales por el uso de fertilizantes. Pautas para un manejo sostenible.
Tema 5. Impactos ambientales por el uso de plaguicidas. Pautas para un manejo sostenible.
Tema 6. Medidas correctoras a aplicar en entornos degradados por agroquímicos.
Prácticas de la asignatura
1. Prácticas de laboratorio / 1. Laboratory practices 2. Visita técnica / 2. Technical visit 3. Casos prácticos / 3. Case studies
Promoting the continuous improvement of working and study conditions of the entire university community is one the basic principles and goals of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Such commitment to prevention and the responsibilities arising from it concern all realms of the university: governing bodies, management team, teaching and research staff, administrative and service staff and students. The UPCT Service of Occupational Hazards (Servicio de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales de la UPCT) has published a "Risk Prevention Manual for new students" (Manual de acogida al estudiante en materia de prevención de riesgos), which may be downloaded from the e-learning platform ("Aula Virtual"), with instructions and recommendations on how to act properly, from the point of view of prevention (safety, ergonomics, etc.), when developing any type of activity at the University. You will also find recommendations on how to proceed in an emergency or if an incident occurs. Particularly when carrying out training practices in laboratories, workshops or field work, you must follow all your teacher's instructions, because he/she is the person responsible for your safety and health during practice performance. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and do not put your safety or that of your classmates at risk.
Class in conventional classroom: theory, problems, case studies, seminars, etc
- Exposure of theory lessons with ICT support in class and resolution of doubts raised by the students.
- Case studies.
Class in laboratory: practical classes / internships
Laboratory practices. Students will prepare a report of the laboratory practices that will be graded. Students who do not attend the laboratory practices for justified reasons, as established in the regulations, will have the option of preparing and submitting the report. In the final exam there will be a question so that those students who have not attended the laboratory practices or have not presented the report can opt for the corresponding percentage of the subject grade.
Class in the field or open classroom: practical classes
Technical visit. Visit of a certified laboratory that performs diagnostic analysis to evaluate the presence of pesticides in soil, water and harvested products. Students will prepare a report of the visit that will be graded. Students who do not attend the visit for justified reasons, as established in the regulations, will have the option of preparing and submitting the report. In the final exam there will be a question so that those students who have not attended the technical visit or have not submitted the report can opt for the corresponding percentage of the subject grade.
Assessment activities (continuous assessment system)
Realization of partial written exam.
Assessment activities (final assessment system)
Realization of final written exam.
Presential: Raising doubts in tutorials/class. Discussion of work topics.
Non-presential: Raising doubts by email/Virtual Classroom (Aula Virtual). Submission of work drafts for discussion.
Student work: study or individual or group work
Study of the theoretical contents of the subject by the students and completion of practical reports.
Individual official test
There will be a single partial exam. Students who do not obtain a minimum grade of 4.0 out of 10.0 must take the final exam of the subject.
55 %
Evaluation of practical sessions, visits and seminars based on reports and corresponding documents
It includes two activities:
1) Evaluation of the laboratory practices report - 20%. For those students who do not attend the laboratory practices, or have not submitted the report, a substitute question will be given in the final exam so that they have the option of obtaining the corresponding 20% of the subject grade.
2) Evaluation of the technical visit report - 10%. For those students who do not attend the technical visit, or have not submitted the report, a substitute question will be given in the final exam so that they have the option of obtaining the corresponding 10% of the subject grade.
30 %
Solving of cases, theoretical questions, practical exercises or problems given by the teaching staff
Evaluation of case studies. For those students who do not do the case studies, or have not submitted the report, a substitute question will be given in the final exam so that they have the option of obtaining the corresponding 15% of the subject grade.
15 %
Presentation and defence of individual or group assignments
0 %
Other evaluation activities
0 %
Individual official test
Realization of the final written exam. Students who do not obtain a minimum grade of 4.0 out of 10.0 will fail the subject, regardless of the grades obtained in the rest of the subject's activities.
55 %
Evaluation of practical sessions, visits and seminars based on reports and corresponding documents
It includes two activities:
1) For those students who do not attend the laboratory practices, or have not submitted the report, a substitute question will be given in the final exam so that they have the option of obtaining the corresponding 20% of the subject grade.
2) For those students who do not attend the technical visit, or have not submitted the report, a substitute question will be given in the final exam so that they have the option of obtaining the corresponding 10% of the subject grade.
30 %
Solving of cases, theoretical questions, practical exercises or problems given by the teaching staff
For those students who do not do the case studies, or have not submitted the report, a substitute question will be given in the final exam so that they have the option of obtaining the corresponding 15% of the subject grade.
15 %
Author: Yagüe González, Juan I.
Title: Guía práctica de productos fitosanitarios 2018
Editorial: Mundi Prensa
Publication Date: 2018
ISBN: 9788484767374
Author: Jiménez Díaz, Rafael M., Lamo de Espinosa, Jaime
Title: Agricultura sostenible
Editorial: Mundi-Prensa
Publication Date: 1997
ISBN: 8471147181
Author: Navarro Blaya, Simón.
Title: Química agrícola
Editorial: Mundi-Prensa,
Publication Date: 2003
ISBN: 9788484761556
Author: Porta Casanellas, Jaume.
Title: Edafología para la agricultura y el medio ambiente
Editorial: Mundi-Prensa,
Publication Date: 2003
ISBN: 9788484761488
Author: Laegreid, M.
Title: Agriculture, fertilizers and the environment
Editorial: Cabi
Publication Date: 1999
ISBN: 0851993583
Title: Ecotoxicology pesticides and benficial organismos
Editorial: Kluwer Academic
Publication Date: 1998
ISBN: 0412812908
Author: Stenersen, Jorgen
Title: Chemical pesticides more of action and toxicology
Editorial: CRC
Publication Date: 2004
ISBN: 0748409114
Title: Principles of ecotoxicology
Editorial: CRC Press,
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN: 9781439862667
Author: Sparling, Donald W.
Title: Ecotoxicology essentials: environmental contaminants and their biological effects on animals and plants
Editorial: Academic Press,
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN: 9780128019474
Author: , ,
Title: Pesticides in the Natural Environment Sources, Health Risks, and Remediation
Editorial: elsevier
Publication Date: 2022
ISBN: 9780323904896