Code: 518201003
Type: Basic
Length of subject: Per term
Semester and course: 1st Year - First term
Language: English
Mode of study: On-site class
Knowledge area: Edafología y Química Agrícola
Department: Ingeniería Agronómica
Telephone: 968325755
Office hours and location:
martes - 10:00 / 13:00
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 1, Despacho 1.29
Se podrá atender al alumnado en cualquier otro horario, previa petición mediante correo electrónico.
jueves - 10:00 / 12:00
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 1, Despacho 1.29
Se podrá atender al alumnado en cualquier otro horario, previa petición mediante correo electrónico.
PhD in Biology, specialised in soil biology from University of Murcia (SPAIN) - 1998
Licensed in Biological Sciences, specialised in Botany from University of Murcia (SPAIN) - 1992
Academic rank in UPCT: Profesor Titular de Universidad
Number of five-year periods: 6
Number of six-year periods: 3 de investigación y 1 de transferencia
Curriculum Vitae: Full Profile
Responsible for the groups: G1, G2
Knowledge area: Edafología y Química Agrícola
Department: Ingeniería Agronómica
Telephone: 868071130
Office hours and location:
lunes - 11:00 / 12:00
EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, planta 0, Despacho 0.10
Consultar disponibilidad previamente por correo electrónico o mediante mensaje en el Aula Virtual
PhD in Soil Science from Polytechnic university of Valencia (SPAIN) - 2007
Academic rank in UPCT: Catedrático de Universidad
Number of five-year periods: 2
Number of six-year periods: 3 de investigación
Curriculum Vitae: Full Profile
The student must be able to integrate knowledge, skills and resources from different disciplines to achieve certain objectives in common situations and following instructions.
They must also acquire basic knowledge of the characteristics of the minerals and rocks of the earth's crust (formation, composition and properties) and the geomorphology and modelling of the relief, as well as all the basic notions related to soils and climatological factors. All of this is approached from an agronomic and environmental point of view.
The learning outcomes proposed for students to acquire are the following, within categories such as knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation:
1. identify the different types of minerals and soils present in agricultural land in the Region of Murcia, in particular, and in Spain, in general, as well as the different types of climate present in this geographical area.
2. Explain the geological, pedological and climatological processes present in the Spanish agricultural areas.
3. Apply the knowledge acquired to the interpretation of geological, pedological and climatic analyses of agricultural exploitations in order to be able to improve their management.
4. Deduce the agronomic implications of the different geological, pedological and climatological characteristics.
5. Explain agronomic suitability in terms of all the above, as a preliminary step to farm planning.
6. Determine the degree of knowledge of the subject dealt with in the course from a multidisciplinary perspective.
7. Establish specific objectives appropriate to the situation in question; identify and evaluate the information necessary to achieve these objectives.
1. Characteristics of the minerals and main types of rocks of the Earth's crust (formation, composition and properties). 2. Geomorphology and relief modelling. 3. Soil constituents, properties and processes of soil formation. Basic notions of soil typology Basic notions of soil degradation processes in relation to soil management. 4. Composition of the atmosphere. Basic elements that cause weather and climate. Impact of climate on agricultural systems. Basics of climatic classifications.
Lesson 1: Soil Science: concepts and uses. Soil formation. Forming factors and processes. The soil profile.
Lesson 2: Soil constituents. Solid phase.
Lesson 3: Soil constituents. Liquid and gas phases.
Lesson 4: Physical Properties
Lesson 5. Physicochemical properties.
Lesson 6. Soil classification.
Lesson 7. FAO soil classification.
Lesson 8. Soil cartography.
Lesson 1. Weather and Climate.
Lesson 2. The solar radiation, the temperature and the atmospheric pressure.
Lesson 3. Wind, humidity, cloudiness, and precipitation and air masses and fronts.
Lesson 4. Agricultural Climatology: Climatic zonation and climate indices. Climate of Spain.
Lesson 1. Study methods and basic principles of geology: interest and applications. Soil Science. Evolution of the Science and the concept of the object of study. Relationship of Soil Science with other sciences. Climatology and its relationship with the agronomy.
Lesson 2. Classification of minerals. Petrogenetic minerals. General characteristics of the main silicate minerals. Silicates: general characteristics and structural classification.
Lesson 3. Concept and genetic classification of rocks. Magmatic processes. Chemical and mineralogical composition of igneous rocks. Main families of igneous rocks.
Lesson 4. Sedimentary rocks: origin and sedimentary environments. Diagenesis. Classification of sedimentary rocks. Major sedimentary rocks.
Lesson 5. Metamorphic processes. Types of metamorphism. Metamorphic facies. Top metamorphic rocks.
Lesson 6. Geodynamics. Hydrosphere. The hydrological cycle. Groundwater. Geological action of rivers. Fluvial cycle.
Lesson 7. Modeling of the relief. Influence of lithology on modeling the relief. Influence of tectonics.
Lesson 8. Influence of climate modeling in relief. Climatic zonation. Morphoclimatic major systems.
Promoting the continuous improvement of working and study conditions of the entire university community is one the basic principles and goals of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Such commitment to prevention and the responsibilities arising from it concern all realms of the university: governing bodies, management team, teaching and research staff, administrative and service staff and students. The UPCT Service of Occupational Hazards (Servicio de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales de la UPCT) has published a "Risk Prevention Manual for new students" (Manual de acogida al estudiante en materia de prevención de riesgos), which may be downloaded from the e-learning platform ("Aula Virtual"), with instructions and recommendations on how to act properly, from the point of view of prevention (safety, ergonomics, etc.), when developing any type of activity at the University. You will also find recommendations on how to proceed in an emergency or if an incident occurs. Particularly when carrying out training practices in laboratories, workshops or field work, you must follow all your teacher's instructions, because he/she is the person responsible for your safety and health during practice performance. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and do not put your safety or that of your classmates at risk.
These practices, once completed and passed, will be saved for subsequent calls or courses.
Class in conventional classroom: theory, problems, case studies, seminars, etc
Expository sessions on the contents of the subject. This activity can be carried out in distance learning mode if the situation requires it.
Class in laboratory: practical classes / internships
Laboratory practices, as well as practical sessions on the contents of the course. This includes the use of sampling tools in the field or at the University's facilities. This activity may be substituted by other non-face-to-face activities, if the situation requires it.
Class in the field or open classroom (technical visits, lectures, etc.).
Field trip to visit different sites previously studied and characterised pedologically and geologically by the students. This activity may be substituted by other non-face-to-face activities, if the situation requires it.
Class in a computer classroom: practical classes / internships
Practical classes in a computer classroom on the contents of the subject. It includes tasks such as:
-Solving practical exercises related to the subject. This activity can be carried out in distance learning mode if the situation requires it.
- Preparation and presentation of a seminar, consisting of information search and information management.
-Preparation of a soil and geological report on a specific site. This activity may be substituted by other non face-to-face activities, if the situation requires it.
Assessment activities (continuous assessment system)
Performance of the mid-term exams, or block evaluation tests, of the subject.
It will consist of two mid-term exams, one per block (Soil science and climatology; Geology). This activity can be carried out in distance learning mode if the situation requires it.
Assessment activities (final assessment system)
Taking the final exam or test for the evaluation of the subject. It will consist of an exam divided into two blocks. This activity can be be carried out in distance learning mode if the situation requires it.
Individual or group tutorials on doubts related to the syllabus of the subject. scheduled for student support and monitoring of the activity. This activity can be carried out in distance mode if the situation requires it.
Student work: study or individual or group work
Individual study work and preparation of the syllabus by the student. This activity will be carried out by the student individually.
Preparation of individual assignments, such as seminars on a research article. This activity will be carried out by the student individually or in coordination with other students.
Preparation of individual and group assignments, such as preparation of soil and geological reports. This activity will be carried out by the student in coordination with other students. Preparation of individual tasks, such as the preparation of topics to be presented by the student. This activity will be carried out by the student individually.
Cooperative work activities related to the preparation of the syllabus, of the technical reports of the subject and, eventually, of a debate topic to be dealt with in class. This activity will be carried out by the student in coordination with other students.
Individual test (oral or written)
Individual test (oral or written): a compulsory written test will be given, which will be divided into 2 consecutive parts with a maximum of 40 multiple-choice questions (which may include theory concepts and results derived from the development of an exercise) each:
Test 1 ( Soil Science and Climatology Units) and Test 2 (Geology Unit).
This theoretical evaluation of the knowledge acquired in the subject will be done by means of an official individual test which represents 60.34% of the overall grade, and which includes two partial exams:
--Soil science and climatology exam, which accounts for 40.32% of the overall grade (to this grade must be added the evaluation of the resolution of practical exercises, which add up to an additional 3% and which are carried out within this individual test, their grade being added to the rest of the test). In order to pass the subject, in this section it will be necessary to obtain at least a mark of 4 out of 10, so that, when adding the rest of the sections of the subject, the mark exceeds 5 out of 10.
-Geology exam, which represents 20.02% of the overall grade. In order to pass the subject, in this section it will be necessary to obtain at least a grade of 3 out of 10, in such a way that, when adding the rest of the sections of the subject, the grade exceeds 5 out of 10.
60.34 %
Solving of cases, theoretical questions, practical exercises or problems given by the teaching staff
The resolution of cases and practical exercises will be assessed as part of the individual written tests.
3 %
Evaluation of practical sessions, visits and seminars based on reports and corresponding documents
Evaluation of practical work, visits and seminars on the basis of the corresponding reports and reports. In order to pass the subject, it will be necessary to take at least 80% of these practices, which in practice means that all sections must be taken, as well as obtaining at least an overall mark of 4 out of 10 in this block, so that when this mark is added to those of the other sections of the subject, the mark must be over 5 out of 10. This block accounts for 30.00% of the overall grade, and includes these sections:
-Seminar: management, search and synthesis of information, which accounts for 6.66% of the overall grade.
-Soil report of a site: which accounts for 10.02% of the overall grade.
-Geological report of a site: which accounts for 6.66% of the overall grade.
-Geology Practices: Visu of minerals, which accounts for 6.66% of the overall grade.
30 %
Presentation and defence of individual or group assignments
Presentation and defence of individual and group work: includes individual presentation of sections of the syllabus (50% of this block) and collective presentation of the soil science report (50% of this block), which together account for 6.66% of the overall grade.
6.66 %
Individual test (oral or written)
Evaluation of the theoretical content studied in the course. Official individual test which accounts for 67.00% of the overall grade (to this grade must be added the evaluation of the resolution of practical exercises that are carried out within this individual test and which add an additional 3% to the final grade), and which consists of two blocks with a maximum of 40 multiple-choice questions (which may include theoretical concepts and results derived from the development of an exercise) each:
-Soil Science and Climatology, which will contribute 2/3 of the mark for this theoretical assessment (44,67%).
-Geology, which will contribute 1/3 of the mark for this theoretical assessment (22,33%).
A minimum mark of 4 in the exam will be required to average with the rest of the activities of the final assessment.
67 %
Solving of cases, theoretical questions, practical exercises or problems given by the teaching staff
The resolution of cases and practical exercises will be assessed as part of the individual written tests.
3 %
Evaluation of practical sessions, visits and seminars based on reports and corresponding documents
Students who have completed less than 80% of the practical assignments must make them up with alternative practical assignments proposed by the professor, which will be assessed on the basis of the reports submitted.
30 %
Presentation and defence of individual or group assignments
Presentation and defence of individual and group work: includes individual presentation of sections of the syllabus (50% of this block) and collective presentation of the soil science report (50% of this block), which together account for 6.66% of the overall grade.
0 %
At the end of each block, the degree of assimilation of the contents may be monitored by means of a self-assessment test and/or questions/problems posed to the students.
P.S.: students' interest and effort will also be assessed positively, with criteria such as class attendance, questions raised during the lectures and during the tutorial period.
Note: 2 eliminatory mid-term exams will be held, which will be counted for the purposes of the official exam in January/February.
Note: as stipulated in article 5.4 of the UPCT Regulations on undergraduate assessment tests, students who meet the special circumstances set out in the Regulations, and upon justified request to the Department and accepted by it, will have the right to a global assessment test. This does not exempt them from carrying out the compulsory assignments that are included in the subject's teaching guide.
Note: In order to pass the course by means of the continuous assessment system, it will be necessary to complete at least 80% of the practical activities listed in the teaching guide. If this condition is not met, even if the overall mark is higher than 5 as a result of the sum of the marks of all the assessment activities carried out, each one weighted by its weight in the final mark, in these cases "the mark for the course will be set at 4.5", in accordance with section 8, of Article 7 (Calls and criteria for passing the subjects) of the "Evaluation Regulations for the Official Undergraduate and Master's Degrees of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena" of 4 November 2019, and with subsequent modifications of 30 April, 19 June, 30 November and 17 December 2020. This mark will thus be at the expense of the student's fulfilment of 80% of the practical assignments, as stated in the academic guide of the subject, in accordance with the lecturer and in accordance with the corresponding regulations of the UPCT and in the academic guide itself.
Author: Blum, Winfried E. H.
Title: Essentials of soil science soil formation, functions, use, and classification
Editorial: Borntraeger Science Publishers; Schweizerbart
Publication Date: 2018
ISBN: 9783443010904
Title: The Soils of Spain
Editorial: London: Springer
Publication Date: 2015
ISBN: 9783319205403
Author: Samuels, Myra L.
Title: Statistics for the life sciences: global edition
Editorial: Pearson
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN: 9781292101811
Author: Hastie, Trevor
Title: The elements of statistical learning: data mining, inference, and prediction
Editorial: Springer
Publication Date: 2003
ISBN: 0387952845
Author: Varmuza, Kurt
Title: Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Chemometrics
Editorial: CRC Press
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN: 9781420059472
Title: Guidelines for soil description
Editorial: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
Publication Date: 2006
ISBN: 9251055211
Author: IUSS Working Group WRB
Title: World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2014
Editorial: FAO
Publication Date: 2015
Author: Bott, G.H., Bruggenwert, M.G.M.
Title: Soil chemistry
Editorial: Elsevier
Publication Date: 1978
ISBN: 0444414355
Author: Adriano, D. C.
Title: Trace elements in the terrestrial environments biochemistry, bioaviability, and risks of metals
Editorial: Springer
Publication Date: 2001
ISBN: 0387986782
Author: Adriano, D.C.
Title: Biogeochemistry of Trace Metals: Advances In Trace Substances Research
Editorial: CRC Press
Publication Date: 2017
ISBN: 1138506664
Author: Alloway, B. J.
Title: Heavy metals in soils: trace metals and metalloids in soils and their bioavailability, 3rd edition
Editorial: Springer Science & Business Media
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN: 9789400744691
For coordinate transformation between different reference systems:
Cadastral information on farms or agricultural land
For access to scientific databases and downloading articles
For access to scientific databases (ISI Web of Knowledge)
For access to scientific databases of the Elsevier publishing house (contracted by the UPCT)