
Master's degree in Agronomic Engineering


Coordinadora de Prácticas en Empresa: Asunción Iguaz Gainza

Internship Title






There are no active internship offers for this degree

To do internships in collaborating entities you must be enrolled in the subject "Internships in companies" of the degree you are studying.

Since you can enroll in the subject at any time during the course, it is recommended that you do so when you already have an entity to do it in and you know exactly the hours you are going to do and their equivalence in ECTS (30 hours = 1 ECTS).

The Internship in Company will be offered by the collaborating company or institution, which must have an agreement signed with the UPCT. The tutor appointed by the collaborating company or institution must be a person related to it, with professional experience and with the necessary knowledge to carry out effective guardianship. It may not coincide with the person who performs the functions of academic tutor of the University. The coordinator of the TAIDA University Master will select an academic tutor who must be a UPCT professor, with preference for the degree itself, and, in any case, related to the area of ​​knowledge to which the practice is linked. All the process will be managed through the EMFOCA platform of the UPCT.

It will be mandatory to develop a Training Project that will be agreed between the academic tutor and the company tutor and will be included in a document attached to the Educational Cooperation Agreement, with specific conditions for each student. The final academic grade awarded to the student will be the result of the weighted sum of the grades awarded by both tutors, the assessment of the tutor of the collaborating entity having a weight of 30% and the assessment of the academic tutor 70%.

For more information:
UPCT Employment Portal

Center of Orientation, Information and Employment (COIE) of the UPCT

Campus de la Muralla del Mar,

Edf. ETSII (Antiguo Hospital de

Marina) – Planta Baja.

T. 968 32 56 41



Administrative Office: Centro de Orientación, Información y Empleo - SEEU

Edif. Rectorado - Ala Este 2ª planta

Plaza Cronista Isidoro Valverde

30202 Cartagen

T. 968 32 54 26

F. 968 32 54 03
